Cream T
Cream T Banger & Mash Chrome (Neck)
Twee Tele single coils gestacked tot humbucker voor Keith Richards.. Keef approves, so it must be good!
Banger & Mash voor de neck/hals positie.
Keith Richards and his guitar tech Pierre had the idea of creating a Humbucker out of two Telecaster neck pickups.
Thomas of Cream T was happy to facilitate and created the first pickup of its kind approved by Keith Richards and installed in his Gloria Telecaster.
The Banger & Mash has since been developed to fit any Humbucker routed guitar.
The pickup is based on vintage NoCaster pickups some added PAF frequency base to it.
- Humbucker pickup
- Boxed in a luxury display case (full sets only)
- Neck Output: 7.3K*
*measured with HD calibrated high end multi-meter in controlled condition.
Pickup build may vary